What Is Reaching Your Business Goals Every Month Worth To You?

Monthly Goal Achievers

Productivity, Planning, and Accountability Program for Small Business Owners

Are You?

Frustrated Woman Working At Desk In Design Studio


Many small business owners feel this way

Even as a productivity coach and someone who is generally highly productive, I still struggle with many of these challenges myself.

But, there methods and systems that I use for myself and with my private clients that really help overcome these obstacles and become a lot more clear, more focused, and more effective as a business owner consistently every month.

You may have tried some of these methods


You've tried it

Hey, my name is ELISHA!

I help business owners and entrepreneurs manage their time, focus on what matters and be more productive in business overall. With a background in software engineering, my superpowers are intense focus and structured thinking. I use these skills to help my clients get more done in less time so they can finish the things they start instead of jumping from one shiny object to the next without accomplishing things that matter.

Clients Hire Me So They Can



The Process To Achieve This Can Be Boiled Down To a Few Simple Steps

Simple But Usually Not Easy To Accomplish On Your Own

The Process




Monthly Goal Achievers
Productivity, Planning, and Accountability
For Small Business Owners

Each month you'll



Everything you need to reach your monthly goals

here's What you'll get when you join

Monthly Goal Achievers Components

Monthly Planning Sessions

Fun interactive monthly planning sessions.
Choose your goal and create your monthly plan LIVE during the call each month.

Weekly Planning & Accountability Sessions

Weekly planning and accountability sessions to celebrate your wins, plan your week, and analyze what worked and what you can improve LIVE on the call each week.

Supportive Team

Be part of a team of fellow business owners that cheers you on and holds you accountable.

Guidance & Feedback

Guidance through a structured process to set you up for success. every month and every week. Feedback and guidance on your planning from a professional productivity coach. Help getting back on track when you feel stuck or your plan gets away from you.

Unlimited Coaching & Support Through Private Chat

Get support from a productivity coach whenever you need it through a built in private messaging. Get help getting back on track when you feel stuck or like your plan is getting away from you. Ask your questions and get coaching on any productivity topic.



BONUS 1: Personal Onboarding Call

We'll do a 30 minute personal onboarding call to set you up for success. We'll talk about your goals, clarify your direction, and get you set up with the tools you'll have access to.

BONUS 2: Free Access To Software

Get free access to powerful and easy to use software to keep all of your goals and tasks organized and track your progress (training and setup included).

BONUS 3: Friendly Scoreboard

Participate in fun monthly scoreboard for friendly competition and eligibility to win prizes.


My experience was phenomenal. I received so much more than I ever could’ve hoped for. If you’re looking to evolve your personal or professional life I highly recommend utilizing Elisha’s Services. It wasn’t like I expected, but it was so much more beneficial to follow his structure and outline. I have created some truly amazing new habits.– Jacob Ahdoot, Executive Project Manager Hai Creative

Elisha is great! He helped me identify my goal and respective practices carefully and effectively. He is a great listener and always being so supportive. I learned so much and get so much done through his help. Highly recommend Elisha to whomever is looking for a coach! – Kacy Jung, Artist

Elisha combines a strong sense of priorities with business acumen. He helped me focus on what really matters and make the appropriate adjustments to reaching my goals. I definitely recommend Elisha if you need more clarity and focus, or if you have tough decisions to make.– Simon Janin, CEO, X80 Security

Am I A good fit for this Program?

This is perfect for you if:

This is NOT for you if:


When you JOIN today


You'll receive an email welcoming you to the program with everything you need to get started.


Book your personal onboarding call with me to get you set up with the tools and with everything ou need to succeed.


Go through the short training videos, to learn what you need to know about the system.


Here’s Everything that You’ll Get:

That's a total value of $1,400 for the weekly plan and $2250 for the daily plan.



Lock in 30% off the regular $297 price for life When you Join
during the pilot



Time limited pilot offer



30 Day Money-Back Guarantee

If you show up to at least 80% of the calls, follow the process and use the available tools but at the end of the month you don't feel like the program helped you reach your business goals that month, I'll happily return 100% of your investment.


Program Structure and Commitment

This is a monthly membership program. The commitment is on a monthly basis and you can cancel any time before the next month starts.
The program is most suitable for a small service business owner either solo or with a handful of employees or a few freelancers.
After you join you’ll become more clear, more organized and more focused. You’ll track your goals and your projects on a monthly, weekly and daily basis. This leads to increasing your results because you’ll be focused  consistently on the few things that matter most for your business. As a bonus, you will also feel calmer, less overwhelmed and less lonely.
At the beginning of the month we’ll have the monthly planing session which is 90 minutes long. Here you’ll strategically choose your goal for the month and outline the projects you’ll work on to achieve it. At the beginning of each week we have the weekly planning session which is 30 minutes long. Here you prioritize your handful of most important tasks for the week and plan when you’ll be working on them. We’ll also be checking in on commitments from the previous week to stay accountable, reflect and adapt what needs to adapt. Daily sessions are short focused 15 minute sessions focused on specific commitments and scheduling for that day. They are like a micro version of the weekly planning sessions.
By setting aside these few hours per week your planning, accountability, and reflection become multipliers the outcomes you get from all of the rest of your time. People who think they don’t have time for this probably need it even more.
The monthly (90 min) and weekly (30 min) planning calls are on Monday at 8:00 ET, 11:00 PT, 17:00 CET. The daily accountability (15 min) calls are on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8:00 ET, 11:00 PT, 17:00 CET
Honestly if the time generally doesn’t work for you shouldn’t join the program. Do be in touch with me though to discuss other times. Depending on demand I may open another group at a different time. If you need to miss one of the calls there are videos that guide you step by step through completing the process on your own. If you’re able to do this, you can still get value from the structure and consistency, and you’ll still get feedback on your plan. You’ll miss the community and the accountability.
For the live session we use a new tool called Butter. An alternative to zoom which makes the sessions more fun, more engaging and more structured. For tracking your goals, projects and tasks you’ll use a project management tool called Nifty. This will help you keep everything organized and add the visibility to everything for feedback and accountability. The tools are easy to use, we’ll get you set up for success in your 30 minute personal onboarding session.

Coaching, Support, and Community

Since certification as a coach in 2020 I’ve worked with over 100 private clients on their productivity including business owners, employees and managers. I was recognized by GrowthSpace as one of the top 10 productivity experts in March 2022 and recognized twice this year as a top expert in the area of Driving Effective Teamwork and Increasing Throughput with an average client rating of 5 out of 5.
All interactions, guidance and support will be with directly with me.
The group session are set up to be as efficient as possible where each business owner is doing the work on their own with accountability by looking at the big picture in the software which shows each person’s progress. Personal feedback and support is given through direct messaging throughout the week. The daily plan also included a private monthly planning session with me.
The maximum response time through chat is 24 hours (excluding  weekends and local  holidays). When possible during my own business hours (I’m in Israel) I respond much faster.
A general sense of camaraderie and community is built through ongoing common participation in the live calls. Part of the planning sessions are done in pairs in breakout rooms which is an opportunity to get to know other members.
No. The vibe is always one of celebrating our wins and seeing how we can improve and do even better. There is no shame in not accomplishing any specific thing. The approach is one of positive reinforcement and not of negative consequences or shame.
There’s a scoreboard every month and you’ll each be collecting points for following the process and for completing things that you commit to. Whoever has the most points at the end of the month wins a free productivity coaching call.

Why The Program Is Uniques, Cost and Policies

Two things are unique about this program. The first is the focus on a single monthly goal and the whole program revolving around accomplishing your main thing every month. The second unique part is about getting your planning done during the live calls. Planning is something that is easy for us to forget or put off, doing it live on the calls makes sure that we consistently do the planning.
Think about how much more progress you’ll be able to make in your business with solid structure in place. For anyone who has a real business that value with greatly outweigh the cost. Using the group format enables me to reduce the cost relative to private coaching while still maintaining a highly effective structure with personal accountability, feedback and support.
After your first 30 days you’ll be charged each month and you can cancel at any time. There are no refunds beyond the guarantee for your first month.
Currently not. I may introduce this in the future.

Wow you're commitTed!

You made it all the way down to the bottom đŸ™‚

I'd love to support you in becoming the most productive business owner you can imagine.

If you want to speak with me privately and make sure it's the right fit, click the button below to schedule a quick chat.

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